Saturday, February 9, 2013

Timely Analysis

May 2012 Wealth Gap grows during recession:
Jan. 2012  Occupy the Neighborhood: How Counties can use Land banks and Emminent Domain   The most recent brilliant article by Ellen Brown where she describes and then proscribes solution for the nightmare of morgages without paperwork.
Dec. 2011 Revealed the capitalist network that Runs the World.  Mathematicians use systems theory modeling to discover companies financial relationships to each other and identify the 149 most powerful companies in the world. Interesting different view on the 1%
Oct. 2011 The most Powerful Occupy Wall Street video you will see this month.  I thought that was an exageration until I watched it.  It is not.
Sept. 2011 The North Dakota Miracle not all about Oil.  Oil is certainly a factor, but it is not what has put North Dakota over the top. Alaska has roughly the same population as North Dakota and produces nearly twice as much oil, yet unemployment in Alaska is running at 7.7 percent. ... read more of this Yes Magazine analysis of what really makes ND unique in its low unemployment.
Aug. 2011: Titanic Battle or Insider Trading? The S&P Downgrade and the Bilderbergers: All Part of the Plan?  By Ellen Brown   Fascinating analysis by Ellen Brown of why the stock market dove and dived for 1 week in August and the scary truth about the Bilderbergers and their plans for the world.  A MUST read.
June 2011. The Truth About The Economy In 2 Minutes
Click on this link to hear former Labor Secretary Robert Reich explain in 2 minutes 6 points about what is wrong with our current economy.
May 4, 2011: Bin Laden succeeded in economic strategy
Did Bin Laden intend to beat the US on the battlefield or by bankrupting us?
Click on this link to read the full story.
April 13th, 2011: Libya: All About Oil, or All About Banking?
Here is latest article from Ellen Brown. You thought the war on Libya was about oil? Maybe it is really about banking and financial independence for nations.
March 25th, 2011: Losing Our Way
This article summarizes well the humptydumpty economic situation we currently have in this country.
March 4th, 2011: How to Build a Progressive Tea Party
Read the following exciting article about the birth of the uncutuk (Uncut U.K.) and now the the newly born uncutus movement. Citizen’s acting as populist “tax collectors” demanding that Corporations who dodge paying taxes in their country of origin while the governments cut services to all of us because of deficits, pay up!
See also the site to see where a protest by you maybe happening. Also see an article on how the US uncut protests are going.
March 4th, 2011: What Conservatives Really Want
George Lakeoff again masterfully talks about the language progressives and conservatives use to talk about the role of government and the role of unions and what is going on right now in our country, a must read.
Also, read Lakeoff's article The Real Issues: A Wisconsin Update
March 4th, 2011: Covert Operations: The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama
Read this piece by the New Yorker on the Koch brothers (Koch Oil, etc etc -- and more recently of infamy in their support of the governor of Wisconsin public union busting foray...). Outstanding. and very chilling article describing their numerous nefarious pursuits with their oil billions. They have been attempting to derail the conversation on climate change. One of the latest greatest ploys among sleazoid oligarchs like the Koch brothers has been "funding" "research" centers promoting their agendas. It both allows them to keep their donations completely anonymous and create a pretend aura of "scientific" research around totally self interest driven claims.
March 4th, 2011: Corporate Tax Dodgers
Read this article about how multinational corporations dodge paying taxes leaving US budget deficient.
Nov 9th, 2010: A CRITICAL issue to understand.
The Federal Reserve is not a Federal agency or any part of the US government...It is a consortium of the biggest commercial banks, its board is made up of bankers appointed by the banks. Thus its constituency and apparently at this time, sole concern, is the well being of the big banks. During the Wilson administration the ability to produce money and control monetary policy was handed over to them. No one can vote them out of office. This is a key concept to understand because in 2010 the voters voted their anger that the economy has not been improved when, in fact, key aspects of it are outside the control of the President and both parties. And it makes even more critical the understanding of the outrageous action being taken against the American people and the people of the world by the Fed printing an additional $600 Billion dollars!
Nov 9th, 2010: New $600B Fed Stimulus Fuels Fears of US Currency War
Listen to Democracy Now interview with Michael Hudson (Cameo Joseph Stieglitz "the new $600B Federal Stimulus Fuels Fears of US Currency War." This interview describes how the Federal Reserve will act to bail out the banks while causing deflation for the American Consumer and while having the effect of waging economic "war" on the rest of the world. Also the possible effect of causing the rest of the world to respond by going off the Dollar.
Nov 9th, 2010: Is it the End of the Dollar's Era?
Read this article which summarizes the Democracy Now interview. Is it the End of the Dollar's Era?:International groups looking for stability, predictability
July 16, 2010: Inequality Is the Real Debt Burden
Mar 5th, 2010: The economic crisis and the failure of Obama by Robin Hahnel
Read Hahnel’s critique of Obama’s missed opportunities.
Feb 26, 2010: Credit Swaps bankrupting states
How Big Banks' Greek-Style Schemes Are Bankrupting States Across the US.
Oct 15, 2009: Greenspan Says U.S. Should Consider Breaking Up Large Banks
Oct 15, 2009: Risks the FDIC is taking to try to stay solvent
Oct 6, 2009:UN Calls For New Reserve Currency
This story shows the UN asking for the world to go off the Dollar as its standard.

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